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510, 2024

Lucky anglers can win $5,000

October 5th, 2024|Categories: Activities, Fishery News, News|

We're excited! The Inland Fisheries Service 2024-25 Tagged Trout Promotion kicks off today with 16 specially tagged brown trout, each worth $5,000, released across 9 Tasmanian lakes. But it's not all down to luck, we think skill comes into it too. And if you need help with your fishing skills, consider hiring Trout Territory as your guide. We'll help you with the skills you need that could possibly help you land a lucky $5,000 trout. Check out our rates for more info on a guided trout fishing tour. All the info and details, terms and conditions about the IFS Tagged [...]

2410, 2021

Waterbug Blitz

October 24th, 2021|Categories: Fishery News, Insects|

Larva is the stage of development of an insect between egg and pupa. Instar is a stage of life of an insect between two periods of moulting. Nymph is an immature form of an insect. The shedding phases. Pupa is an insect in the stage of development between larva and imago (aka: Emerger - a word commonly used in fly fishing terms when talking about mayfly emergence). It's more involved than that, of course, but there's a quick little summary. Why are we talking about this? Because we participated in a project and were excited to find some up close. [...]

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